The Relaunch Decree and wooden houses

The new Relaunch Decree of May 13, 2020 has been published these days. As it was immediately clear it is a revolutionary decree that brings the tax incentives to exceed the expenditure incurred reaching for the first time 110% of the construction cost. The Decree is not limited to this: instead of impiaking 10 years to recover the executed expenses we are limited to 5 years so the payback time of the investment will be very short! It is therefore a true super bonus. We have read a first draft of a set of rules that will be refined in the coming days into one or more implementing laws that will better clarify the ways of application. The Relaunch Decree was written in 424 pages and spans various areas of collective interest that affect care for people and economic promotion and safeguard to Italian companies, we are particularly interested in what is written in Article 128 on page 229 of the Decree. Article 128 talks about incentives to improve: thermal insulation up to 60,000 euros; Thermal systems up to 30,000; Seismic resistance up to 96,000 euros; photovoltaics up to 2,500 euros per installed Kwp; energy storage. Which interventions are subject to super bonus The government will allow people to renovate their homes by making them high-performance- reaching the levels of the wooden houses we already build-by carrying out the works with the classic building tools of: ordinary renovation; Renovation with demolition and reconstruction; Extraordinary maintenance of the existing; routine maintenance. The works that are not subject to super bonus are those involving new volumes. For example, if a small ruin of 200 cubic meters is demolished and a passive wooden house of 300 cubic meters with an area of 100 square meters is rebuilt, the 100 cubic meter portion of the expansion will not be subject to bonus, but the bonus will apply only to the existing volume of 200 cubic meters. The Home Bonus 1 The super bonus replaces the pre-existing Home Bonus that will expire at the end of 2020. The Home Bonus 2 The super bonus of the Relaunch Decree also partially replaces the Bonus Casa 2, which had greater margins in the possibility of performing improvements on the systems and thermal insulation of buildings. Eco Sisma Bonus The Eco Sisma bonus was launched to enable tax recovery in facade work to improve the thermal efficiency of buildings. The purchase of household appliances, new furniture and private landscaping was also promoted on the occasion. The eco Sisma Bonus is set to expire at the end of 2020 and partly duplicates the new Relaunch Decree. The Earthquake Bonus The earthquake bonus was launched to allow individuals and condominiums to improve building statics by preventing the disasters that more or less every ten years strike our peninsula. The new Relaunch Decree raises the ante on seismic improvement as well. Unfortunately, the Earthquake Bonus has not been as successful as hoped, few people have taken advantage of the Earthquake Bonus to secure their building and we will still mourn many human losses with the next earthquake that, statistically, will happen in Italy. Now the compensation comes 110% and we hope Italians will take advantage of it. Demolition and reconstruction Renovation theoretically means keeping existing structures. But we know that keeping existing structures is a solution often open to doubts about the real reliability of interventions. Moreover, renovating with keeping structures always means dealing with fragile stone, brick, or concrete structures that will necessarily break down in the event of a seismic event. Renovating while maintaining the original structures also often means having damp walls that are unlikely to dry out. Poorly insulated walls that are difficult to bring up to code because they themselves absorb too much heat before they are insulated. Renovating also often means running into unforeseen expenses as the human factor. lengthy workmanship etc. is highly present in the rehabilitation of existing structures. That is why we recommend, unless we are talking about historically or environmentally valuable buildings, to interpret the regulatory instrument of renovation as demolition-reconstruction. By means of demolition and reconstruction with wooden structures we can guarantee: Speed of execution; definite time and cost; Economy in labor on the construction site; maximum energy efficiency; guarantee of outstanding seismic resistance. The assignment of credit Those who lack capacity, that is, individuals who do not have a large income may not be able to take full advantage of the 110% Tax Recovery Bonus because their income does not allow for it, now have one more option that was previously reserved only for condominiums: they can sell their tax bonus to third parties. This is, again, a great opportunity to seize. It is now possible to pay only 20 percent of the construction cost of renovation work by selling the tax bonus that you fail to take advantage of to a financial institution. For more information or feasibility checks as always we remain available.
Superbonus 110%: the Relaunch Decree is law

New law published in the Official Gazette that will allow zero-cost renovation We always receive a lot of inquiries on the topic of the Relaunch Decree and the application of the 110% Superbonus so we thought we would elaborate on this matter. The legislation is almost complete in fact the May 19, 2020 Relaunch Decree was converted into law and published in the Official Gazette on July 18, 2020. Many informative articles can be found on the web, however, we recommend reading the Official Gazette directly by getting your own idea of the Law and then possibly comparing the commentary articles to see how others have interpreted the rule. You will then find that often many commentators have written things that are perhaps not entirely accurate. The article we are interested in is No. 119, which talks about. Eco bonus Earthquake bonus Also veryimportant is Article 121, which talks about credit assignment and explains how even cittandins unable to take advantage of tax benefits can still improve their homes. The link to the government site from which the PDF can be downloaded is as follows: Energy efficiency Thanks to the Eco Bonus, the law basically allows you to do energy efficiency by diverting money that you would normally pay in taxes and using it to pay for it: Improving thermal insulation; replacement of facilities. Seismic improvement The national scourge of seismic vulnerability of our building stock can be cured thanks to the Sisma Bonus. People will be able to direct money that would otherwise have to be paid in taxes to seismic improvement of their homes. The assignment of credit The government thought that this decree should be able to facilitate all Italian citizens who own property regardless of their income level. Art. 121 of the rule clarifies how this can be done through the assignment of the credit, so those who will not be capacitated, i.e., will not be able to directly take advantage of the tax benefit due to the drastic reduction in taxes to be paid will still be able to benefit from the assignment of the credit to a bank or other financial institution. In this way, work can be done while paying nothing or almost nothing of the expected cost of the work to be done. Of course, we are also able to give advice and assistance on these very important aspects of this decree. Spending limits We will delve into the analysis of spending limits in the next articles on these pages. The old bonuses provided deduction limits, today the new bonuses provide spending limits by dividing the works between trailing and towed. The trananti works underlying the Eco Bonus intervention will be: isolation; centralized systems. Towed works may be added to these works: PV; window frames; sunscreens. Prerequisite for accessing super tax deductions The basic condition for accessing tax deductions is this: the intervention must improve the building by 2 energy classes; in case of earthquake bonus the strength must be improved by 2 classes. These are basic conditions for getting the bonus, however, it is not enough: the work must be regular in terms of urban planning (building permit, scia, cila); Occupational safety regulations (safety plan, Spisal, etc.) must be complied with; at the end of the work, the Enea file must be completed, which is the control body for the degree of insulation of buildings in Italy and the interface with community bodies. Our service Thus, the path to follow seems quite clear, and we are able to provide all the advice needed to: Ascertain the applicability of the law; design; realize; Close the work and complete the Enea file. Demolition and reconstruction The day before the Relaunch Decree was converted into law, the Simplification Decree was published, by which demolition and reconstruction work has become definitively easier, which is definitely assimilated to renovation and fully falls under the categories of Eco bonus Earthquake bonus From this link you can download this Decree: file:///C:/Users/windows/AppData/Local/Temp/20200716_178_SO_024.pdf The Simplifications Decree makes it possible to transform a building constructed without compliance with seismic standards at a time when building control was not sufficiently regulated into a new seismic-resistant organism with a glulam frame or Xlam structure capable of withstanding even very violent seismic events without sustaining damage. We reserve the right to elaborate on the Restructuring legislation in a future in-depth article as this is a relevant issue for us. In conclusion The government has made available the financial instruments to carry out the works to modernize the building stock at zero or almost zero cost to the citizen. Now it is important that the works be carried out well. It is essential that the works be carried out by the professionals and contractors with honesty and competence by opting for sustainable materials, avoiding plastic products derived from petroleum. It will also be important that the improvements are real and not just legal compliance for maximum economic benefit but for maximum reduction in fuel consumption and pollutant emissions. We would have liked the government to have boldly asked the question about the nature and derivation of materials by favoring materials of plant origin (such as the wood we use in our projects, wood fiber for insulation, hemp or other natural products) or even minerals with low environmental impact by discouraging plastic derivatives. This aspect remains delegated to the personal sensibilities of the clients and the expertise of the technicians who will be able to explain to the clients how to build sustainable houses with a high degree of well-being.
Heating and air conditioning in wooden houses

Heating and Air Conditioning in Passive Wood Homes In passive wooden houses, the need to heat and condition rooms can be met with minimal energy input. However, for this to be done effectively, it is essential to implement a smart strategy to optimize energy consumption while avoiding waste. Watertight Houses Passive wooden houses are designed for optimal air tightness, eliminating unwanted drafts. Clearly, a house with air seepage is difficult to heat and functions as an energy sieve. For this reason, the homes we build today are completely anchored in energy-efficient and airtight principles. Importance of Air Exchange In traditional buildings, drafts played a crucial role in ensuring air exchange. Previously, it was common to open windows to ventilate, but today, with the use of comforters and sheets always stretched taut, these practices are less common. Air exchange is just as important as heating itself, as it ensures a healthy microclimate inside the home. In summer, instead of putting in heat energy, it will be necessary to remove it, and this is the task of air conditioning. It is also essential to provide air dehumidification, greatly improving summer comfort. Central mechanical ventilation (CMV) is the ideal solution for achieving clean, fresh air. Among the European leaders in mechanical ventilation with heat recovery is Zehnder, a reliable Swiss company. You can find detailed information about their products by visiting their website: Zehnder Group Italia S.r.l.. Heating and Cooling Methods Today, heating and air conditioning are frequently done by heat pumps. Even gas boilers, in their most advanced version with heat recovery, remain polluting because they emit CO2. Heat pumps, in contrast, offer a double advantage: they heat in winter and cool in summer. There are two main systems for managing heating and cooling: Hydronic System Aeraulic System In wooden houses, both systems can be used, depending on the preferences and needs of the users. Hydronic System The hydronic system uses a heat pump to heat or cool using water. The heat transferred to the water is then distributed to the room through radiant panels containing water-filled pipes. This system is traditional and well-established: radiant floors, for example, have been in use for more than 30 years. The hydronic heat pump heats water to a temperature of about 30 degrees, storing it in an inertial tank and flowing it into panels placed on the floor, wall or ceiling. The main advantage of this system is that it produces radiant heat, providing optimal comfort without overheating the air by directly heating the body with a radiant effect. In addition, the same heat pump that heats water for space heating can also be used to heat domestic water. The hydronic system plans to work in conjunction with a VMC system especially in the summer period in which the VMC will need to provide air dehumidification. Aeraulic System The aeraulic system is designed to transfer heat to the environment by heating or cooling the air. These systems are equipped with mechanical ventilation and provide a significant supply of treated air, helping to maintain a comfortable and healthy indoor climate. Characteristics of Aeraulic Systems Aeraulic systems are composed of several components, including: Fans: Used to distribute treated air throughout the room. Heat exchangers: They enable the transfer of heat from outdoor air to indoor air, either in heating or cooling. Filters: They purify the air, removing dust and allergens, and ensuring a healthy environment for occupants. Advantages of Aeraulic Systems in Wooden Houses. Climatic Comfort: With the ability to heat and cool quickly, these systems ensure comfortable temperatures in all seasons. Air Quality: By integrating filtration systems, aeraulic systems improve indoor air quality, reducing the presence of pollutants. Energy Efficiency: By using heat pumps in combination with mechanical ventilation, these systems can operate very efficiently, reducing energy costs. Installation Flexibility: Aeraulic systems can be adapted to different home configurations and integrated with other underfloor or radiant heating systems, ensuring tailor-made solutions for every need. The Diffusion of Aeraulic Systems in Wooden Houses. In recent years, aeraulic systems have been gaining popularity in passive wooden houses due to their ability to optimize comfort and energy efficiency. The combination of lightweight and highly insulating materials in wooden houses is a perfect match for the installation of these innovative solutions, which can help create an optimal microclimate and reduce overall energy demand. Implementing an aeraulic system inside wooden homes not only improves living comfort, but is also a sustainable choice, in line with modern trends of environmentally friendly and low-impact construction. Growing awareness about indoor air quality and energy conservation makes these systems increasingly popular among builders and homeowners. Perhaps the reason for the success of these systems is their ease of use. A single system with a single control system makes it very easy to program and manage the temperature even remotely. Some firms such as Mylar call it Thermodynamic Mechanical Ventilation, others such as Irsap call it Adaptive Climate Ventilation however, it is always a ventilation system enhanced by a heat pump. Nle case of Irsap the heat pump is external to the package and can be replaced or integrated freely. Other alternatives In the context of aeraulic systems, it is important to mention compact aggregate systems, which are an innovative solution for heating, air conditioning, ventilation and domestic hot water generation, all in a single unit. These compact systems, such as those produced by the Treviso-based company Brofer, optimize the use of space and increase the energy efficiency of homes. Characteristics of Compact Aggregate Plants Multifunctional Integration: These systems combine several functions in one unit, simplifying installation and reducing space requirements. With this feature, there is no need to install several separate devices, making the system more compact and uncluttered. Suitable for Passive Houses: Compact aggregate systems are designed specifically for passive houses, where thermal insulation is of the highest standard. Their output is calibrated for rooms with low heat loss, ensuring optimal performance without wasting energy.